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8 May 2023 - 10 May 2023
Vienna, Austria
International B2B Software Days 2023 - the Future of Digital Business

"At the beginning of the CoCreation Labs we have problems or creative business ideas...

Are you looking for new, innovative solutions to your business challenges? Do you have problems that need innovative ways of thinking? Are you looking for new technological solutions? Then you are on the right page! 

This year we designed a new session format, where corporates or established companies get a prominent spot in our agenda and can host a workshop to present their challenges. You just have to specify your innovation project and discuss your market opportunities - we will try to link you with the experts and try to attract great ideas from startups, scientists or any other solution providers.

What do you have to do? 

  • Indicate in the registration form, that you want to host a CoCreation Lab session. right afterwards the organisers team get in contact with you to check, if the challenge will fit into this event concept. 
  • An experienced networking person from the organiser team will guide you through the process of designing the right format for the challenge
  • Your challenge will be included in the agenda of the b2b Software Days and we will promote it among the registered participants, via our Social Media Channels, the Enterprise Europe Network, etc. 
  • Your hu

Why apply to host an innovation challenge during the b2b Software Days?

  • We expect thousands of participants from all over the world
  • You are at the right place - b2b Software Days aims to support companies innovate and internationalize 
  • Just believe in the wisdom of the crowd among our participants

One last notion: This session format is not foreseen to find new direct clients for your products and services. Please use the b2b Meetings for this purpose. 

If you have any further questions, please feel free to get in contact with the organiser team. 

... at the end you will have new products and solutions."

CoCreation Lab Hosts

Closed since 21 June 2023
Vienna City Hall
Participants 839
Meetings 832
Austria 462
Poland 71
Germany 48
Bulgaria 43
Türkiye 39
Italy 38
Romania 32
Hungary 31
Slovakia 31
Ukraine 27
Ireland 25
Spain 21
Czech Republic 19
Portugal 19
Egypt 17
Greece 16
Bosnia And Herzegovina 16
Taiwan 14
Slovenia 13
Kosovo 13
Estonia 12
Netherlands 12
France 12
Belgium 10
Croatia 10
United Kingdom 10
Iran, Islamic Republic Of 10
Switzerland 8
United States 7
Lithuania 6
North Macedonia 6
India 5
Serbia 5
Singapore 4
Malaysia 4
Norway 4
Chile 3
Albania 3
Latvia 3
Sweden 3
Ethiopia 2
Uganda 2
Finland 2
Israel 2
Cyprus 2
South Africa 1
Anguilla 1
Denmark 1
Namibia 1
China (Hong Kong) 1
Luxembourg 1
Armenia 1
Bangladesh 1
Belarus 1
Malta 1
Pakistan 1
Algeria 1
Moldova, Republic Of 1
United Arab Emirates 1
China 1
Kazakhstan 1
Viet Nam 1
Total 1159
SME 433
Startup 208
Corporate 147
Association/Agency 123
Other 122
R&D Institution 47
University 46
Authority/Government 34
Total 1160
Profile views
Before event 30743
After event 2286
Total 33029